In 2012, Malibu Boats in Tennessee underwent an expansion and remodel, wherein we installed state-of-the art
environmental systems in our lamination area that reduced emissions significantly. Then, we made a similar
investment at Cobalt Boats in Kansas. Most recently in 2020, we built a brand new 180,000 square-foot plant
at Pursuit Boats in Florida, utilizing these emissions-reducing environmental systems. Beyond facility
construction and systems, we continually look for more ways to reduce greenhouse gasses - such as replacing
older traditional incandescent bulbs with highly efficient LED bulbs. In 2021, we installed solar panels on our main building and manufacturing facility in Australia, which has capacity to offset energy consumption by roughly 40%, and can generate over 600kWh of natural energy each day. On days we are not manufacturing at that facility, our system typically feeds a significant amount of power back into the grid to be consumed by other energy users.
Malibu Boats, Inc.’s waste management plan evaluates our technologies, procedures and personnel training
programs to minimize the quantity of hazardous waste generated as much as possible. New processes and major
changes require a documented Waste Impact Study to ensure that we actively reduce waste and prevent
pollution at the source. We utilize recycling programs for wood, plastic, metals, cardboard and cutting
fluids to minimize waste. And we participate in laundering programs that allow us to reuse supplies to avoid
creating waste in the first place.