MBI's Code of Conduct provides guidance to all our directors, officers and
employees and assists us in conducting our activities within appropriate ethical and legal standards. Our
Board of Directors and Audit Committee oversee our compliance program. We foster a free and open atmosphere
that allows and encourages directors, officers, employees, agents and others to express work-related
concerns about ethical issues and/or to report violations or suspected violations of laws, regulations and
our policies. Directors, officers and employees are not only encouraged, but are required, to report any
suspected violations of law or of our Code of Conduct as appropriate to his or her
supervisor, the Chief Executive Officer, the Vice President of Human Resources or anonymously by accessing
our employee hotline through our independent, third-party provider, Lighthouse Services, at (855) 400-6002.
This hotline is monitored by our Chief Executive Officer and Vice President of Human Resources, is
proactively communicated to employees across our operations and is made available 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year. All suspected violations of law or of our Code of Conduct are investigated. The Audit Committee
of our Board of
Directors receives timely periodic reports regarding any material violations of our Code of Conduct. We will not tolerate retaliation for
reports made in good faith.